24TH ANNUAL OF LAFD Chapter’s Fallen Heroes Memorial Ride 6/11/22
JUNE 11, 2022
On Saturday, June 11, 2022, the LAFD Fire Hogs M/C will be sponsoring the 24th Annual Fallen Heroes Memorial Ride to raise money for the Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association, Widows, Orphans, and Disabled Firemen’s Fund. Come join us at Mulholland Harley Davidson (24050 Ventura Blvd, Calabasas, CA 91302) in Calabasas. Registration starts at 0900 hrs, ceremonies start at 1000 hrs with KSU at 1100 hrs. Travel with us as we go north along the 101 freeway then to the coast through the canyons to our destination of the Sage Brush Cantina (23527 Calabasas rd., Calabasas) for music/ luncheon and fund raising to benefit the Widows, Orphans, and Disabled Firemen’s Fund. All are welcome! If ya can’t make the ride meet us at the Sagebrush for the luncheon Raffle and Music! Be there at 1230 to watch the riders come in!! The fundraising event at the Sagebrush Cantina start at 1200 pm. Join us for an afternoon of FUN!! Riders and NON-Riders are ALL WELCOME! More details COMING!!!!
Tickets are $35 for a single rider and $60 for a rider with passenger. Prices slightly higher at the door. Drivers must be 18 years old to participate. Riders and Passengers must sign Waivers. Non-riders and those wishing to join JUST for the luncheon, music, and festivities at the Sagebrush Cantina (23527 Calabasas Rd, Calabasas, CA 91302) at 1230 pm, the cost is $25 for lunch ONLY.
Discount rooms at the Anza Hotel (23627 Calabasas Road, Calabasas CA. 91302) of $161 per night have been reserved under the Group code: 220610FIRE book online at “https://www.theanzahotel.com” or Call (818) 222-5300) direct. Rooms must be booked by May 9 and they only have a limited number of rooms as of now, which are going fast!!! There still may be rooms available so call or book online!!
For more information visit the events facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Fallen-Heroes-Memorial-Ride-107161414921492, or our Website WWW.firehogs.org Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/24th-annual-fallen-heroes-memorial-run-61122-tickets-275280470297